Hello, I’m Tiffany Ching, and I’m a UI/UX + product designer with experience in graphic design and branding. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always thought and communicated visually. When I was 12 years old, I remember taking down a phone message for my mom. I couldn’t remember how to write the Chinese characters for the caller’s name, so I drew pictures to represent the phonetics of the Chinese characters. When my mom saw the message, she immediately understood who called. To this day, she still has that piece of paper, where I drew out the caller’s name.
Visual communication is a universal language and it’s one I am fluent in.
Combined with a keen eye for detail, and great problem solving skills, I’m driven by the challenge to make complex information and concepts as simple, engaging, and intuitive as possible for the audience. This user-centric philosophy is what lead me to user experience design and into the digital industry today.
My strong visual background has helped me excel at understanding users’ needs and translating them into thoughtful and visually pleasing experiences, while balancing business and brand requirements. I'm proficient in the end-to-end user experience process from user research, design, to project hand-off, while using qualitative and quantitative data to drive decisions.
Outside the office, you can find me anywhere from traveling and enjoying new culinary experiences with my husband to picking up a new handicraft.